Things to consider
if you choose to boarding your pet over sitting!
Call and ask the facility if
you can stop in at anytime to take a tour of their facility without an appointment, and make sure you check it out unannounced.
If they say no, or make an excuses as to why you cannot RUN! This is so you can see how they operate on a daily basis. If
the facility is clean and ask if they have had any illness issues, if they are honest they will tell you they have.
Ask or find out if they are AKBA (American Kennel and Boarding Association) affiliated. These member facilities are
in compliance with the standards of the ABKA Voluntary Facilities Accreditation (VFA) Program and have successfully completed
an on-site evaluation by ABKA.
All boarding facilities have
Immunization requirements.
Dogs: immunized against rabies,
distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, Para influenza, parvo virus (DHLPP), and bordetella.
Cats: vaccinated against rabies,
panleukopenia or distemper, feline rhinotracheitis, calici virus, and pneumonitis (FVRCPP).Most require at least 72 hours
prior to boarding.
Boarding facilities feed their
food, unless they state bring your own.
Boarding facilities/ kennels
may not have an onsite person overnight.
A Dog can hold its potty
6 weeks, 2-4 hours
8 weeks, 4-5 hours
12 weeks, 5-6 hours
6 months, 7-8-hour workday